we had a vision.

what if we created a church based on our faith in a god of golden light?

based on our belief in a god of LOVE and CARE who brings life to and inspires EVERYTHING?

we believe that god cannot be named and at the same time has many names, some of which are spirit, the divine, life force energy (prana), creator, goddess, buddha, allah, cosmic intelligence etc.

we believe that god does not mind being called by the name that resonates best with the person using it

a god that lives in and moves through everything including every single one of us.

a god that isn’t separate from us.

a god who is ALL gods.

we want to see a church that is inclusive, that promotes and congregates around wellbeing, peace, love and care for everyone starting with oneself through exploring ways to allow spirit to move through us, literally in-spiring us - turning us on. opening us up to joy, playfulness and aligned purpose::

a happy and prosperous life in service -

inspired and inspiring.

so we birthed this vision.

welcome to our free church.

please enter the

‘temple of the golden light’.